Safety Lifestyle Methodology
What's this program all about and how does it work?
What's the Safety Lifestyle program all about
How is it unique and what benefits does it offer?
The Safety Lifestyle program is uniquely designed to bring together all the current safety initiatives that you may already have in place and ensure that we mention these, or enhance these in a way that doesn't replace what you currently have, but rather brings them altogether in a unified way - influencing a safety lifestyle.

Meet Hosea, working
at Just-Fix-It Aviation
Hosea is a mechanic. He has worked at Just-Fix-It for the past year and is working towards getting his licence. Hosea is enrolled on the Safety Lifestyle program, and and this is how it is part of his life at work:
- An Initial launch. Let’s him know what the program is all about, what’s involved and what to expect
- At the launch he is invited to enrol into the Safety Lifestyle online platform, that has his organisation's branding, and takes the online part of the Expected Standards and Safety Training (including Human Factors) course. Part 1 of this course is online, where the theory is discussed and presented through short presenter-led videos. Part 2 takes place in a classroom and focuses on discussion and practical skill-based activities, a learning style that particularly appeals to him. Lots of feedback is captured in class that identifies both the human factors he and his colleagues are experiencing personally, as well as the factors that might make it difficult for him to meet expected standards at his base. This in turn is collated and presented back later to senior leaders, by Integra Aerospace
- A Poster Campaign is launched, and he sees these around his work environment. They are created in brand with the Safety Lifestyle and his organisation – these are powerful reminders of the key themes of the expected standards and safety that were talked about in the course
- Quarterly, he logs into the online platform for the Quarterly Safety Lifestyle Event and watches the Youtube/podcast style videos there that are created in line with the main themes of the program (Expected Standards and Safety Training, Leadership, Safety Behaviours, and Human Factors), these link with the Poster Campaign. Hosea really likes these since they are short and relevant to his job, and he recognises key leaders in the company who often feature in these. Gemma, Hosea's supervisor, spends 10 minutes using the Templated Human Factors Short Topic 'Toolbox' talk sheet as a way of reminding the team of how to recognise and mitigate the potential effects of human factors
- Over time Hosea begins to view safety in a whole new light. Consciously he puts into practice the knowledge and skills that he has been developing each quarter and works to the expected standards safety and efficiently with a new sense of self-awareness. He is also more self-aware of the human factors that directly affect him and is mindful of what he can personally do to minimalise their effects. The amount of effort required from him, in return for a safer working environment, is easily manageable within Hosea's day-day role

Gemma, Hosea’s supervisor
Gemma has been at Just-Fix-It for the past 5 years and has recently become a Team Leader within the past year. Gemma participates in the program in the following ways:
After the Initial Launch, Gemma enrols and completes the Expected Standards and Safety Training course
Gemma is in a leadership role, so she is enrolled in the Safety Leadership course that is aimed specifically at those working within a Part 145 safety critical environment. This is a two-part course with part 1, theory, delivered online as a video-based course, and then part 2 is a practical session that runs for a day onsite at her location (similarly to how the Expected Standards and Safety Training course runs). Gemma is given a Professional Learning Log, a neatly bound book that guides her through the various activities and case studies that she is encouraged to work through as she completes the online modules of the course
Several Safety Leadership Coaching/Forums are scheduled to take place whilst she is completing the Safety Leadership course. The Coaching Sessions/Forums take place every few weeks and are 1 hour in length, either through Zoom or in person. These provide an opportunity for her to meet with a handful of other team leaders and review how they are putting into practice what they’ve been learning, as well as address any current challenges they might have
- Monthly, Gemma sees posters around the safety initiatives
- Quarterly, she logs onto the Safety Lifestyle virtual learning environment and views the content there. Gemma is provided with a templated Human Factors Short Topics ‘Toolbox’ Talk Guide which guides her through how to facilitate a short 10-minute discussion with her team around a specific human factor that has been identified as particularly prevalent that quarter.
She likes these as it encourages her to remind her team to be mindful of human factors, and the part they play in influencing maintenance error, without her having to plan what to say as it’s already written down for her. It provides a short definition of the specific human factor, bullet pointed ways to minimalise it and also some questions that she can use to facilitate further discussion - Gemma continues developing as a confident safety leader, able to lead by example, encouraging her team and challenging them when necessary to uphold the standards that her organisation expect, empowering them to own safety as a personal value. From the Safety Leadership course, she knows exactly how to have, and feel comfortable having, positive safety conversations

A typical Safety Lifestyle program includes the following courses and events:
- Expected Standards & Safety course
- Safety Leadership course
- Human Factors course
- Safety Lifestyle Quarterly Events
The beauty of this program is that we always bespoke it to each organisation. What this means is that if you decide you want to include; Maintenance Competency Assessment / Train the Trainer / Compliance training, or any other safety related courses, we will create this for you.
So, why this approach?
Well, simply out we believe that for someone to genuinely see a transformation in how they view safety (and human factors!) there needs to be a safety journey embarked upon.... this, in our experience needs to be from head to heart. Theoretical headknowlegde to the emotional part of our being, our heart.
Thus connecting us emotionally with the Why behind safety related training and behaviours.

Or to put it another way ...

Our Safety Lifestyle program reflects the desire for safety to be seen as much more than just a set of rules and procedures and seen as integral to the way that tasks are carried out, the way that team members look out for each other, and how an organisation supports the right way of doing things, with the underlying intent that
"everyone goes home
safely at the end of the day"
This program is best suited to those maintenance organisations that have a desire to see a transformation in the way people perceive safety and who want to move current positive safety behaviours towards established beliefs. Â

Safety Lifestyle for Your Organisation
Simple steps to bring a Safety Lifestyle to your organisation
- We review your current safety initiatives
- We put together a proposal of how Safety Lifestyle will add value to your teams
- Once signed up, we create your personalised training program, including any additional safety / human factors / related content you’d like
- This is reviewed by key stakeholders
- Once content is signed off, we get to work filming and creating your bespoke Safety
Lifestyle program - The online and classroom content is reviewed and signed off by key stakes holders
- We launch Safety Lifestyle through compelling Poster campaign
- Your team enrol on the online part of Safety Lifestyle, through a link provided
- A schedule for the classroom part of the courses is drawn up and agreed upon
- The Safety Lifestyle program runs for a minimum of two years, annually reviewed and renewed thereafter
This program consists of more than just one-off courses, it is designed to be a program that is delivered with consistency and one which changes dynamically to the needs and requirements of your organisation over the lifetime of the program
We intentionally see ourselves partnering with your organisation to ensure that we understand what is important to you, from a standards and safety perspective, and use our expertise in the learning and development area to clearly communicate these messages in innovative and engaging ways to drive transformation

The outcomes for this program include, but are not limited, to the following:
- It sets the standard of how safety is upheld operationally within Engineering and Maintenance (E&M)
- The need to shift the current safety culture, over the lifetime of the program
- The desire for safety behaviours to become more personal and move them towards becoming attitudes / beliefs
- The requirement for individuals to value their own and others safety
- The recognition that safety is everyone’s responsibility
- Creating training that reinforces the expected standards and safety
- Providing coaching to team leaders / supervisors and managers in the context of safety leadership
- Regular messages that reinforce the expected standards and safety themes
Personal Minimums
Just one of the take aways we give to everyone involved int he program...

"We are dedicated to creating and continually providing fresh and new content to everyone who subscribes to the Safety Lifestyle.
As more organisations enrol the more we will create, not only as bespoke content, but also content that can be shared across organisations."

Safety Lifestyle is exactly what it says. It is a lifestyle of safety thinking and behaviour that permeates through individuals working within the maintenance environment. It is based on sound psychological principles and practices that ensure that the learning delivered becomes established over time and influences, positive safety throughout your organisation
 We would welcome the opportunity to discuss the Safety Lifestyle program further with you ...